Car Ride
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Based on the following exercise:
Like Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” the tension between the two characters is palpable, but they never formally state what it is that is between them causing friction. For this assignment write a scene or story where two characters interact but never state what the thing is between them, like a husband who suspects his wife is having an affair and asks his wife circuitous questions about a “male friend.”
Car Ride
He walked down to the curb outside his apartment, placing his rucksack between his legs, and waited. It was a brisk New England day in the fall, and he wondered if he brought enough layers for the trip. The sound of the trees swaying in the wind and the fallen leaves tumbling over one-another was broken by the guttural roar of an engine, as a GTI hatchback rolled to a smooth stop in front of him.
The trunk popped open and he threw his bag in before hopping in to the passenger seat.
"Welcome. It's been a while. ETA is about two hours." John said.
"Good to see ya!" He looked around the interior and noticed the absence of dirt or trash. There was a subtle new-car scent, which was almost entirely overpowered by the smell of his own detergent. "Car is looking nice. Did you just get it? Shame to take it camping."
"Nope, picked it up a few months ago. Full cleaning scheduled for the day we get back." John said succinctly.
They sat in silence, listening to the sound of the rubber rolling along the pavement and the engine sputtering with pent up aggression. John gingerly went around potholes and creeped over speed bumps. Finally, they reached the highway, and the engine thundered as they quickly accelerated to speed.
He smiled, deriving a childish glee from the percussive onslaught forced upon his auditory system. "Wow, that engine sounds good."
"Do you remember, I used to have this car back in college. Sounded different back then."
John responded with an acknowledging grunt.
"I guess I've heard there are a few similarities between your life now and the one I had in college."
The engine roared to life as John sped up to overtake a few cars.
"Paul, you treated your car like shit. No wonder it fell apart."
Paul chuckled to himself. "Right you are, I don't think I even knew what a car wash was at the time."
They barreled down the highway. John had both hands on the wheel, and was staring intently ahead.
"Still," Paul added after some time, "it might have been nice to know you were thinking of getting this car. Y'know, since I had it in College."
The rhythmic beat of compressed gas exploding provided a background harmony for the quiet between the two men.
"What, you have dibs on this car?" John said after a while.
"No, no, nothing like that. And I have a new car now, great car, very reliable."
"It's in the shop, no?"
"Well, yes, but all cars eventually get issues. Surely this car, though you are taking great care of it, will end up in the shop too someday."
"Hm." John responded.
The lull in the two men's conversation was not matched by the engine, which continued to guzzle fuel and transform it into sound and speed.
"I think you and this car are good for each other. You clearly treat her well."
"I do."
"Really it comes down to: it would have been nice to get a heads up."
"A heads up?"
"Yes, a heads up that you were thinking of getting this car."
"A heads up that I was thinking of getting this car."
"Yes, exactly."
John paused before responding. "I was looking for a car, this car was available, it happened."
"Okay, yeah, I guess if it was spontaneous, then that makes sense. Still, would have been nice to hear it from one of you rather than through the grapevine."
"What difference would it have made?"
"What difference? Well, no real difference, just a matter of respect."
"Of respect."
"Yes, of respect. That you considered me."
"I can assure you, you were not considered in the slightest."
The cacophonic whir of the engine reverberated through the metal cage that propelled the two men at a blistering pace down the highway. John's hands continued to rest at 10 and 2.
"Well, I assure you, it's strange to not hear anything about it until months later."
"Have you considered why?"
"Why what? Why nobody told me?"
"Yes, why nobody told you."
"Well, it's not like I'd be jealous or anything."
"No, its not like you'd be jealous or anything."